Carnegie Mellon University

Academic Calendar Advisory Board

The Academic Calendar Advisory Board (previously the Calendar Innovation Committee), convened in 2019, was originally charged with reviewing our academic calendar and making recommendations that advance student-centered efforts to provide a strong academic experience that is supportive of creative pedagogy and community well-being. In 2020, the committee pivoted its work to provide recommendations in response to the pandemic, resulting in a proposed 14-week semester, which was piloted in the fall 2021 and spring 2022.

Throughout the pilot, the committee monitored and listened to our community's feedback. Its work was highly collaborative, looking both qualitatively and quantitatively at the perspectives of our faculty, students and advisors across all schools and colleges, including undergraduate and graduate programs.

At the committee's recommendation, the 14-week semester, including a week-long Fall Break, was permanently instituted starting in AY23-24.

Committee Charge

The Academic Calendar Advisory Board will act as a guiding post for faculty and administrative voices in setting the calendar.  

The Advisory Board will continue to:

  • Advocate for student-centered efforts and provide a strong academic experience that is supportive of creative pedagogy and faculty and student wellbeing.  
  • Provide guidance and advice on the academic calendar and associated deadlines 
  • Assess Democracy Day as a day off from classes
  • Work towards aligning University academic calendars across all programs/locations where possible

Committee Members

Wendy Arons
Professor of Dramatic Literature, School of Drama; Director of the Center for the Arts in Society

Amy Burkert
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives

John Gasper
Associate Teaching Professor of Economics and the Director of Learning Evaluation and Success, Tepper School of Business

Keith Gehres
Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment Innovation and Student Experience | Interim Associate Dean of Admission

Linda Gentile
Director, Office of International Education

John Hannon
Associate VIce President for Community Life

Ken R. Hovis
Teaching Professor and Assistant Dean for Educational Initiatives, Mellon College of Science

Alyson Jarnagin
Senior Director, Heinz College Academic & Advising Services

Golan Levin
Professor of Art, College of Fine Arts

Michael J. Mccarthy
Associate Teaching Professor of Information Systems, Heinz College

Cindy Mccauley
Senior Business Manager, Tepper School of Business

Jennifer McCurry
Coordinator of Religious and Spiritual Life Initiatives

Rebecca Nugent
Fienberg Professor of Statistics & Data Science Department Head, Dietrich College

John Papinchak
University Registrar

Silas Wang
Undergraduate Student, Dietrich College

Emily Weiss
Associate Director, Faculty Teaching Initiatives, Eberly Center