Grading Policy & Options
University Grading Policy
Carnegie Mellon's grading policy offers details concerning university grading principles for students taking courses, whether those students are undergraduates, non-degree students or graduate students. The policy covers the specifics of assigning and changing grades (including final and mid-semester grades, incompletes and conditional failures), grading options (audit and pass/fail), drop/withdrawals, and course repeats, as well as defines the undergraduate and graduate grading standards.
Final Grades
Final grades for semester and mini courses can be viewed on Student Information Online (SIO) on the Grades and QPA page under the Academic Info tab. Because of grade processing times, final grades will not become visible in SIO until approximately one hour after the grade submission deadline.
Information about final examinations, including schedules, is available on the Final Exams webpage.
Alternative Grade Options
Audit Grades
Auditing is presence in a classroom without receiving academic credit or a letter grade. The extent of participation must be arranged and approved by the course instructor. Students wishing to audit a course are required to register for the course, obtain the permission of the instructor and advisor, and complete and return the Course Audit Approval (pdf) form to the University Registrar's Office prior to the tenth day of classes. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for deadlines.
Once a Course Audit Approval form is submitted to the University Registrar's Office, a letter grade will not be assigned for the course. Students choosing to audit a course are required to pay their student account by the payment deadline.
Pass/No Pass Grades
Students may choose to receive a grade of pass or no pass as opposed to receiving a grade through the standard grading system. Students who wish to receive pass/no pass grading must register for the course, obtain the permission of their advisor, and complete and return the Pass/No Pass Approval (pdf) form to the University Registrar's Office by the pass/no pass deadline for that course. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for deadlines.
Once a Pass/No Pass Approval form is submitted to the University Registrar's Office, a letter grade will not be assigned for the course. Students choosing to take a course pass/no pass are required to pay their student account by the payment deadline.