Carnegie Mellon University

MSCF Legacy Opportunities

Endowment support is vital to MSCF’s future. Our endowment is significantly less than many of our peer programs. This is due in part to the fact that Carnegie Mellon University is young in comparison to other institutions and had a late start on the endowment scene. But Carnegie Mellon, and consequentially MSCF, recognizes the importance of support for the endowment because of its central importance to the growth and success of the university and its students. Gifts to the endowment provide funding in perpetuity, with earnings from the endowment paying for a portion of our everyday operating expenses and relieving pressure on other sources of revenue.

Individuals wishing to make contributions to support the long-term growth of MSCF through gifts to the endowment have the opportunity to designate their gift to a variety of areas, like student support; faculty support; and institutional initiatives (special programs, educational innovations, research funds, etc.). 

Opportunities to give to the endowment and create a named endowed fund typically start at $50,000, with the ability to pay up to a period of five years.

  • A minimum gift of $50,000 will establish a named fellowship, generating about $2,000 per year for a student’s aid package.
  • Faculty support opportunities, such as research or teaching fellowships, begin at $250,000, with options for visiting professorships, professorships, headships and deanships beginning at $1 million.
  • Other endowed support opportunities include research centers, program and innovation funds, endowed lectures, and directorships and coaches in athletics, among others.

Gifts to create named endowed funds may be named for the donor or in honor of another individual. Each year, donors receive reports on the performance of their named endowed fund and the results of what their support made possible. Upon request, a personal meeting between you and your fund recipients can be arranged.

Have a Question?

Contact Laura Herr
Senior Director, University Advancement